When An Airline Loses or Damages Your Wheelchair

When An Airline Loses or Damages Your Wheelchair

From NextAvenue.org —  Custom-made wheelchairs are lost every day, and some disability activists are calling for accountability and reform Every time Asim Dietrich, a staff attorney for the Arizona Center for Disability Law, has flown with his custom, motorized...
Digital Estate Plan: What it is and and why you need one

Digital Estate Plan: What it is and and why you need one

From NextAvenue.org —  Advice from the authors of ‘In Case You Get Hit By a Bus’ — By Abby Schneiderman, Adam Seifer, and Gene Newman —  What happens to all your digital accounts, services and property after you die? Planning for this is officially called...
The Social Security COLA could be the highest in a decade

The Social Security COLA could be the highest in a decade

From Forbes.com —  BY John F. Wasik — This is good news, well almost. Due to rising cost-of-living (COLA) index number in recent months, Social Security benefits could be the highest they’ve been in 13 years. There’s a few “ifs” and “buts,” though. The current rate of...
Older Singles Are Trying LAT – Living Apart Together

Older Singles Are Trying LAT – Living Apart Together

From the New York Times —  Fearing that a romantic attachment in later life will lead to full-time caregiving, many couples are choosing commitment without sharing a home. By Francine Russo About three years after she was widowed in 2016, the Chicago psychotherapist...
Memory problems from COVID may set stage for Alzheimer’s

Memory problems from COVID may set stage for Alzheimer’s

NPR.org —  Before she got COVID-19, Cassandra Hernandez, 38, was in great shape — both physically and mentally. “I’m a nurse,” she says. “I work with surgeons and my memory was sharp.” Then, in June 2020, COVID-19 struck Hernandez and...
Plan to travel soon? Know what Medicare will cover

Plan to travel soon? Know what Medicare will cover

Forbes.com —  When you plan to travel, you want to know you’ll be protected should the unexpected happen. That’s why if you have Medicare, you may want to consider getting additional coverage to help pay for emergency services depending on the location and duration of...
Older workers: How COVID-19 affected them

Older workers: How COVID-19 affected them

CNBC.com —  The Covid-19 pandemic has not been the job crisis the Great Recession was for older workers. But that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s easier for people in that age cohort to find new work. In fact, April 2020 saw the biggest gap ever in the unemployment...
Ohio’s child care system lowers bar on quality

Ohio’s child care system lowers bar on quality

The Springfield (Ohio) News-Sun —  Ohio’s $700 million child care system for low-income families will see multiple changes this year, as families at slightly higher income levels will be eligible, but some of the quality requirements in the state system are being...
National Guardianship Network Calls for Reforms to System

National Guardianship Network Calls for Reforms to System

National Guardianship Network — WASHINGTON, DC – During the week of May 10, 2021, the National Guardianship Network, with the support of the State Justice Institute, the Borchard Foundation Center on Law and Aging, and the Syracuse University College of Law, brought...