Ohio NAELA News
Welcome to the news blog of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys Ohio Chapter. Here we share news related to Elder Law, Estate Planning, Probate and Special Needs Planning, Veterans Benefits and more — for the benefit of our Chapter members, and the general public seeking more information about Elder Law.
VA Partnership with Postal Service helps Vets avoid scams
The VAntage Point blog/US Dept. of Veterans Affairs — VA’s Privacy Service and the United States Postal Inspection Service – the law enforcement and crime prevention arm of the Postal Service – recently established a two-year agreement continuing their partnership to...
Army to Review Thousands of Unfavorable Discharges
From The New York Times — By John Ismay/The New York Times The U.S. Army would review the cases of thousands of former soldiers who were separated from the service after Oct. 7, 2001, with less-than-honorable discharges and potentially upgrade their service paperwork...
Feds Look to Expand Poor-Performing Nursing Facility List
From SkilledNursingNewsom — The two U.S. senators who last year released a “secret” list of nursing homes under consideration for inclusion on a formal list of facilities with major quality issues are now calling for expanded oversight of poorly performing skilled...
How Families Are Fighting Racism, Disability Discrimination
From DisabilityScoop.com — LOS ANGELES — Ever since her son, Landon, was born three years ago, Nakenya Allen has been fighting. Fighting to get a diagnosis for the cause of Landon’s digestive problems, which landed him in the emergency room multiple times before he...
Nursing home COVID-19 cases rise 4-fold in surge states
From the Associated Press — WASHINGTON (AP) — Despite Trump administration efforts to erect a protective shield around nursing homes, coronavirus cases are surging within facilities in states hard hit by the latest onslaught of COVID-19. An analysis of federal data...
Study: Lower-income states pay smaller Medicaid match
From the News Tribune (Jefferson City, MO) — Lower-income states that expanded Medicaid may be receiving a bigger piece of the federal pie. By Joe Gamm An analysis of federal spending shows distributions from Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program move...
How Much Retirement Savings Is Enough?
From the Wall Street Journal — Why Couples May Disagree; Women have good reason to be more anxious about the size of a nest egg — By Glenn Ruffenach My wife and I are approaching retirement. I think our nest egg is in good shape, but my wife is worried that our...
Boomers: Their retirement will top their parents’ and kids’
From USA Today — Planning for retirement is stressful enough. Try bringing a pandemic into the mix. Despite the uncertaintyspawned by the health crisis, baby boomers are confident they will have a successful retirement and their lifestyle will be everything they...
Medicare May Grant Extra Skilled Nursing Days For COVID
From ElderLawAnswers.com — The COVID-19 pandemic has been particularly devastating for nursing homes and their residents. Aside from the tragically disproportionate loss of life, care for surviving residents has been delayed or interrupted due to infection, facility...