Ohio NAELA News
Welcome to the news blog of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys Ohio Chapter. Here we share news related to Elder Law, Estate Planning, Probate and Special Needs Planning, Veterans Benefits and more — for the benefit of our Chapter members, and the general public seeking more information about Elder Law.
Expanded Medicaid Could Improve Food Security
From NPR — NPR's Michel Martin speaks with Jim Carnes, policy director at Alabama Arise, about how an expanded Medicaid could help lift Americans out of the poverty that causes food insecurity. TRANSCRIPT: MICHEL MARTIN, HOST: It seems fairly obvious that one of the...
CMS Reports Big Expansion of MA Home Care Benefits
From Home Health Care News — The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released a treasure trove of new Medicare Advantage (MA) statistics late Thursday. While the new numbers flag a general rise in MA enrollment and drop in premiums, they also reveal a...
Why 2021 increase in Social Security checks could among smallest ever
From USA TODAY — Older Americans already struggling financially amid the COVID-19 pandemic probably won’t find much solace in their Social Security checks next year. The 68 million people – including retirees, as well as disabled people and others – who rely on...
IRS reopens registration for Economic Impact Payment
The VAntage Point blog/US Dept. of Veterans Affairs — The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has reopened the registration period for claiming an Economic Impact Payment. Individuals who receive Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, Railroad Retirement, or...
Schools Aim To Do Better For Students With Disabilities This Fall
From NPR — For Sarah McLaren, who lives in a suburb of Minneapolis, talking about the spring is painful. Her daughter, a rising fourth-grader, struggles with auditory processing and receives special education services. But McLaren says her daughter had trouble...
End the law that lets businesses pay less to people with disabilities
FastCompany.com — In 2020, businesses can still legally pay their employees with disabilities less than the federal minimum wage—we need to put an end to this. BY JESSICA ROOS AND CAROLINE CASEY The continued struggles of women, minorities, and individuals with...
What Share of COVID-19 Deaths Are Over 65?
Kaiser Family Foundation — Since the early days of the pandemic, COVID-19 has taken its greatest toll among older adults in the US in terms of cases, hospitalizations and deaths. Months into the pandemic, older adults continue to be one of the populations most at...
Millions Awarded In Housing Assistance to People with Disabilities
From DisabilityScoop.com — Federal officials are sending millions of dollars in rental housing assistance to help people with disabilities in a dozen states. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development said this month that it will distribute $74 million to...
Dole Foundation Supports Vet caregivers during COVID
From VAntagePoint.org — blog of the US Dept. of Veterans Affairs Family caregivers of wounded, ill or injured warriors face many challenges while routinely supporting and caring for their Veteran loved ones. Their jobs have become even harder during the COVID-19...