Ohio NAELA News
Welcome to the news blog of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys Ohio Chapter. Here we share news related to Elder Law, Estate Planning, Probate and Special Needs Planning, Veterans Benefits and more — for the benefit of our Chapter members, and the general public seeking more information about Elder Law.
Special Education: Parents Suing In Several States
From NPR.org — Vanessa Ince's daughter, Alexis, has a rare chromosomal abnormality and autism. Alexis has thrived at her public school in Wailuku, Hawaii, and loves spending time with her classmates. Ince says when the COVID-19 pandemic closed her school in Wailuku,...
Study: Nursing Home Residents Not Protected From Antipsychotic Drugs Under Trump
From NPR.org — Almost 300,000 nursing home residents are given antipsychotic drugs each week, even though most have no psychosis to justify it. But since the beginning of the Trump administration, nursing homes have rarely paid a price for even the most serious...
Medicare has strict deadlines to sign up. Why you don’t want to miss them
CNBC.com — Medicare is often referred to as a maze. The various deadlines for signing up may have something to do with that. While turning 65 makes you eligible for Medicare, not everyone will follow the same path to enrollment. Some beneficiaries are automatically...
Air Force creates division to help families with special needs
AirForceTimes.com — The Air Force has created a new division to consolidate how it provides medical support, family support and help with assignments to families with special-needs members In a July 1 release, the Air Force said the new Exceptional Assignment...
Most assisted living communities wait for COVID results
McKnight's Senior Living — Eighty-seven percent of assisted living communities and nursing homes participating in a new survey said it is taking two or more days for them to obtain the results of COVID-19 tests of staff members. The results of the American...
VA staff helping shape COVID-19 treatment guidelines
The VAntage Point blog/US Dept. of Veterans Affairs — VA health care staff are helping shape COVID-19 treatment guidelines. Both public and private medical teams across the country and around the world are benefitting from the guidelines. The National...
Pandemic Upends Lives Of People With Disabilities — And Their Caregivers
Kaiser Health News — When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Stacy Ellingen, 34, of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, lost two of the three caregivers she depends on to dress, shower, eat and use the bathroom. The caregivers — both University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh students — returned to...
Officials Consider Two-Day COVID Pass for Nursing Home Visits
SkilledNursingNews.com — As families across the country wait for guidance on how they can safely visit their loved ones living in skilled nursing facilities, one governor has proposed a novel idea: a two-day pass for nursing home visitation. Colorado Gov. Jared Polis...
‘Talk to Your Governor’ Not Enough to Get Universal Testing in Nursing Homes
SkilledNursingNews.com — Senior housing and care leaders again called on the federal government to aggressively bankroll COVID-19 universal testing in the nation’s nursing homes, arguing that the burden will be ongoing — especially since an already expensive one-time...