Ohio NAELA News
Welcome to the news blog of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys Ohio Chapter. Here we share news related to Elder Law, Estate Planning, Probate and Special Needs Planning, Veterans Benefits and more — for the benefit of our Chapter members, and the general public seeking more information about Elder Law.
How to pay for a nursing home with no money
For those with a limited budget for nursing home care, learn what to do and where to get the assistance you require. From US News & World Report — By Lisa Esposito and Payton Sy, RN — Paying for a nursing home with no money to spare is a...
Inheritance on hold? Most Americans don’t understand the time and expense of probate
From USA Today — By Daniel de Vise — Nothing is certain, it is said, but death and taxes. Yet, many Americans know surprisingly little about the legal process of probate that follows a loved one’s death. A new report, titled The State of Probate in America, finds...
Can a simple blue envelope improve traffic stops for disabled drivers?
From The Ohio Newsroom — By Erin Gottsacker — Russ Maddick likes to drive. In his free time, he goes shopping at Goodwill and drives to restaurants like Arby’s and Domino’s. “Every Saturday, I go with my coworkers for eggs and coffee,” he said. Maddick has an...
Pediatricians get guidance on dental care for kids with developmental disabilities
From Disability Scoop — By Michelle Diament — Children with developmental disabilities often struggle to access dental care even though they are at increased risk of tooth decay and other issues. Now, new guidance is detailing what pediatricians should do to help. In...
Understanding Social Security’s spouse benefits
From the Social Security Administration — Social Security Matters blog — Marriage is a cultural institution that exists all over the world. Having a partner means sharing many things including a home and other property. Understanding how your future retirement might...
Gen X could get trillions in inheritance over the next 10 years
From Investment News — By Emile Hallez — Trillions of dollars stand to be passed via inheritance from the Silent Generation to Gen Xers over the next 10 years, and that will mean a lot of hirings and firings of financial advisors. Currently, people aged 65 to 74 have...
Three new ways that Medicare is supporting family caregivers
From AARP — By Kimberly Lankford — Family members, often thrust into caregiving with little notice, also must navigate a complex medical system without any training or guidance. “I feel like I’ve learned all the things on the fly,” says Jessica Guthrie of...
U.S. Attorney’s Office observes World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Federal Prosecutors Highlight Recent Cases Involving Senior Victims From the United States Attorney's Office, Department of Justice — FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS, Ill. – U.S. Attorney Rachelle Aud Crowe joined local, state and federal leaders Friday in recognizing World Elder...
Nation’s older adult population changing, federal report shows
From McKnight's Senior Living — By Kimberly Vonvissuto — A profile of the nation’s older adult population reveals trends that will affect senior living providers, showing that the older adult population is growing rapidly, that people are living longer but are not...