Ohio NAELA News
Welcome to the news blog of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys Ohio Chapter. Here we share news related to Elder Law, Estate Planning, Probate and Special Needs Planning, Veterans Benefits and more — for the benefit of our Chapter members, and the general public seeking more information about Elder Law.
Medicare now negotiating price of drug that costs $7,100 in US vs. $900 in Canada
From CNN — By Tami Luhby — Sen. Bernie Sanders is once again taking the pharmaceutical industry to task, issuing a report Tuesday that highlights the cost of three blockbuster drugs that are far pricier in the US than in other countries. The differences are striking....
New Alzheimer’s drugs bring hope. But not equally for all patients.
From The Washington Post — By Laurie McGinley — The drugs have not been widely tested in Black people with the disease, underscoring stark — and persistent — disparities ABINGTON, Pa. — Wrapped in a purple blanket, Robert Williford settles into a quiet corner of a...
Working and claiming Social Security? There’s good news for 2024
From The Motley Fool — By Kailey Hagen — Many seniors don't realize it, but the Social Security Administration can withhold money from your checks if you're still working while you claim benefits. Not all seniors run into this issue as there are rules that determine...
Panel studies how co-occurring conditions affect people with autism
From Disability Scoop — By Shaun Heasley — A federal panel charged with guiding the government’s autism efforts is looking for input on how other physical and mental health conditions impact those on the spectrum and the services they need. The Interagency Autism...
Watch out for this rude surprise from Medicare
From Barron's — By Elizabeth O’Brien — Planning for your Medicare premiums isn’t on most preretirement checklists, but it’s an important consideration for those with higher incomes. Your Medicare premium for a given year is based on your income from two years...
Medicaid home and community-based services get $37 billion boost
From Disability Scoop— By Michelle Diament — A pandemic relief package that was expected to funnel $12.7 billion to states to bolster Medicaid home and community-based services actually distributed nearly three times that much in extra funding, the White House...
Seven ways retirement will be different in 2024
From AARP — By Andy Markowitz — How changes in Social Security, Medicare, taxes and more will affect your finances For most people, retirement finance is a delicate balance between income that’s likely less than what you made while working and expenses that may be...
How to prepare for upcoming estate tax law changes
From Kiplinger — By Tracy Craig — Unless Congress acts, on Jan. 1, 2026, the estate, gift and generation-skipping transfer (GST) tax exemption amounts will be cut in half. A decrease in the exemption amount could result in significant additional transfer taxes for...
Five ways to embrace inclusion in your estate planning
You can create positive change by applying inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility (IDEA) principles when you plan your estate. From Kiplinger — By Allison L. Lee — Every single person deserves to exercise agency over the decisions that affect their lives and...