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In order to become a member of the Ohio Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law attorneys, you must first become a member of the national association.
If you are not a current member of NAELA, please click to download and complete the Dual Application.
Current national members
If you already are a member of NAELA, but haven’t yet joined the Ohio NAELA Chapter, please download the Dual Application and complete the Ohio portion to join us.
Membership blog
Chapter Event and Program News
Save the Date: Live UnProgram will return Aug 5-6, 2022
The UnProgram is coming back, live and in-person! Full details are not yet available, but Save the Date: the 2022 UnProgram will be held LIVE, in the Central Ohio area, on Friday and Saturday, Aug. 5-6. The registration fee will remain $100 for Ohio NAELA Chapter...
S.B.13 passed by Senate, moves to House; Consider supporting the bill
Dear Ohio NAELA members, Please be advised: Last week, the Ohio Senate passed Senate Bill 13, and the bill was introduced in the Ohio House of Representatives. For those unfamiliar with the legislation, S.B.13 would establish “a statute of repose” for malpractice...
UnProgram will go virtual mornings of Aug. 6, 7, and 8
On behalf of Ohio NAELA Chapter, we invite you to attend this year's virtual UnProgram. We will be hosting the program via Zoom the mornings of Aug. 6, 7, and 8 from 9 a.m. to noon. Please register by completing this online form. Make sure you note what topics...
More information from National
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