Ohio NAELA News

Welcome to the news blog of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys Ohio Chapter. Here we share news related to Elder Law, Estate Planning, Probate and Special Needs Planning, Veterans Benefits and more — for the benefit of our Chapter members, and the general public seeking more information about Elder Law.

Affordable Care Act Offers Safety Net to 20M Unemployed

Affordable Care Act Offers Safety Net to 20M Unemployed

Forbes —  More than 20 million Americans losing their jobs could become eligible for Medicaid or subsidized individual coverage under the Affordable Care Act as employers cut health benefits amid the spread of the Coronavirus strain COVID-19, a new study indicates. In...

Medicare applications raise anxiety in pandemic

Medicare applications raise anxiety in pandemic

ABCNews.com —  WASHINGTON -- At greater risk from COVID-19, some seniors now face added anxiety due to delays obtaining Medicare coverage. Advocates for older people say the main problem involves certain applications for Medicare's “Part B” coverage for outpatient...

Record unemployment poses financial burden for Medicaid

Record unemployment poses financial burden for Medicaid

From NBCNews.com —  "This is a quick enough shock that it could be a huge financial burden on Medicaid systems across the states," one researcher said. Andrew Parys, 36, said he didn't pay off his prosthetic leg at the end of March as planned because he didn't know...

Remote learning poses hurdles for students with disabilities

Remote learning poses hurdles for students with disabilities

ABCNews.com —  Schools across the U.S. are scrambling to find new ways to provide remote instruction to students with disabilities as instruction moves online amid the coronavirus pandemic BOSTON -- At school, Rose Hayes, 8, works with a team of teachers and...

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