Empowering and inspiring Ohio attorneys who serve the elderly and people with special needs Find an Ohio Elder Law attorneyRecent Media of Note
Long-term care insurance: Deciding when, or whether, to buy can be complex
From the New York Times— By Jordan Rau — If you’re wealthy, you’ll be able to afford help in your home or care in an assisted-living facility or a nursing home. If you’re poor, you can turn to Medicaid for nursing homes or aides at home. But if you’re middle class,...
The sickest patients are fleeing private Medicare plans, costing taxpayers billions
From the Wall Street Journal — By Anna Wilde Mathews, Christopher Weaver and Tom McGinty — People in the final year of their lives left Medicare Advantage for traditional Medicare at double the rate of other enrollees from 2016 to 2022, the Journal’s analysis found....
Fed appeals court: Facility immunity does not apply in COVID-19 wrongful deaths
From McKnight's Senior Living — By Kimberly Bonvissuto — A federal court has ruled protections put in place during the pandemic do not give immunity to assisted living communities in COVID-19 wrongful death cases, and remanded a Florida case to the state court where...
Why an Elder Law or Special Needs Law Attorney?
What is Elder and Special Needs Law?
Elder and Special Needs Law are specialized areas of law that involve representing, counseling, and assisting seniors, people with disabilities, and their families in connection with a variety of legal issues, from estate planning to long term care issues, with a primary emphasis on promoting the highest quality of life for the individuals. Typically, Elder and Special Needs Law attorneys address the client’s perspective from a holistic viewpoint by addressing legal, medical, financial, social and family issues.
Demand for Elder and Special Needs Law Is Growing
The number of older individuals in the population is projected to increase to 71.5 million in 2030, representing nearly 20 percent of the U.S. population. As a result the need is growing for specialized legal advice about aging-related issues.
Ohio NAELA Membership News
Save the Date: Live UnProgram will return Aug 5-6, 2022
The UnProgram is coming back, live and in-person! Full details are not yet available, but Save the Date: the 2022 UnProgram will be held LIVE, in the Central Ohio area, on Friday and Saturday, Aug. 5-6. The registration fee will remain $100 for Ohio NAELA Chapter...
S.B.13 passed by Senate, moves to House; Consider supporting the bill
Dear Ohio NAELA members, Please be advised: Last week, the Ohio Senate passed Senate Bill 13, and the bill was introduced in the Ohio House of Representatives. For those unfamiliar with the legislation, S.B.13 would establish “a statute of repose” for malpractice...
UnProgram will go virtual mornings of Aug. 6, 7, and 8
On behalf of Ohio NAELA Chapter, we invite you to attend this year's virtual UnProgram. We will be hosting the program via Zoom the mornings of Aug. 6, 7, and 8 from 9 a.m. to noon. Please register by completing this online form. Make sure you note what topics...
Learn more about Ohio NAELA
Ohio NAELA is a state chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys