May 5, 2020 | News — WASHINGTON — At greater risk from COVID-19, some seniors now face added anxiety due to delays obtaining Medicare coverage. Advocates for older people say the main problem involves certain applications for Medicare’s “Part B” coverage for...
Apr 28, 2020 | News
From The Washington Post — One of the biggest challenges for school districts across the country that are delivering distance learning to millions of students at home because of the covid-19 crisis is providing legally required services to students with disabilities....
Apr 21, 2020 | News
From — More than one million veterans will soon be receiving instructions from Veterans Affairs officials on how to check if they are eligible for thousands of dollars in medical cost reimbursements as part of a court decision last fall. Starting...
Apr 14, 2020 | News
From — “This is a quick enough shock that it could be a huge financial burden on Medicaid systems across the states,” one researcher said. Andrew Parys, 36, said he didn’t pay off his prosthetic leg at the end of March as planned because...
Apr 7, 2020 | News — Schools across the U.S. are scrambling to find new ways to provide remote instruction to students with disabilities as instruction moves online amid the coronavirus pandemic BOSTON — At school, Rose Hayes, 8, works with a team of teachers and...
Mar 31, 2020 | News — The massive $330 billion coronavirus relief bill expected to be approved Wednesday by the Senate contains $19.57 billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs to ensure that veterans are receiving the care they need during the current pandemic....
Mar 25, 2020 | News
Forbes — The world has been in a panic since the outbreak of coronavirus — COVID-19, causing almost unprecedented market volatility. Some have been quick to compare this to the credit crisis of 2008 that lasted five years. Depending on the duration of the...
Mar 17, 2020 | News
Forbes — The COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak has everyone spooked, and hopefully, taking steps to control the outbreak and prepare to get through whatever may come of it. But one group faces additional risks and consequences, as well as anxieties: people with...
Mar 10, 2020 | News
From the Military Times — When officials launched a new program late last year to reach out to newly separated service members and talk about their Veterans Affairs benefits, they weren’t sure if anyone would answer the phone. It turns out a lot of veterans wanted to...
Mar 3, 2020 | News
From McKnight’s Long-Term Care News — Quality isn’t a deciding factor when a nursing home closes. So suggests a new report that has found that both high- and low-quality providers are among the more than 550 facilities that have closed since June 2015. “It is...