App helps people with special needs make friends

App helps people with special needs make friends

From —  Juliana Fetherman was in middle school when she started to notice that her younger brother, Michael, who has ADHD and autism, was having problems making friends. “He’s verbal, but he doesn’t like to talk,” Fetherman told CNN....
Vets get more options, in VA partnership with military banks

Vets get more options, in VA partnership with military banks

From —  Some veterans may have better access to banking now, through a partnership between the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Association of Military Banks of America. It’s especially beneficial for those who haven’t been able to open bank...
Americans are losing millions of dollars to Social Security scams

Americans are losing millions of dollars to Social Security scams

From CBS News —  The Department of Justice is filing for temporary restraining orders against U.S. telecom carriers allegedly facilitating hundreds of millions of scam robocalls. Americans are losing millions of dollars a year because of the calls, which usually...
How Retirement Income Gets Taxed

How Retirement Income Gets Taxed

From Kiplinger —  As you work to accumulate retirement savings, it’s fun to contemplate all the cruises, rounds of golf and restaurant meals you have ahead of you. You’ve earned it! However, many retirees don’t take into consideration the cumulative...
Retirement security is on a treacherous path, new report warns

Retirement security is on a treacherous path, new report warns

From Forbes —  Retirement security is on a treacherous path for the future with dwindling pensions and proposals to cut Social Security, warns National Institute on Retirement Security Executive Director Dan Doonan in his introduction to a report released today on the...
VA now will call newly separated veterans to talk benefits

VA now will call newly separated veterans to talk benefits

From the Marine Corps Times —  Veterans Affairs officials are launching a new effort to reach out to recently separated troops to inform them about benefits and support services in an effort to ease transition issues and hopefully prevent more veteran suicides....