Dec 17, 2019 | News
From — Most of the talk about a retirement crisis in America deals with a shortfall in retirement savings. But what’s not talked about as much — but ought to be — is the growing amount of debt that many people in retirement have,...
Dec 10, 2019 | News
From The Boston Globe — The nation’s Social Security program was designed with special concern for the least fortunate Americans, to keep them from sinking into poverty when they became too old to work. But recent demographic changes have tilted the system against...
Dec 3, 2019 | News
From USA Today — By Maurie Backman | The Motley Fool Social Security, a program instrumental in keeping millions of retired workers afloat, faces a funding shortfall that, if left unaddressed, could result in a major reduction in retirement benefits across the board....
Nov 26, 2019 | News
From Forbes — A troubling new report suggests that a dreaded strain of phone scams targeting Social Security numbers is on the rise. The Social Security phone scam is by far the most common phone scam this year, with an astonishing 23-fold rise in frequency,...
Nov 19, 2019 | News
From Forbes — As clients get older, they often start to feel obligated to retire. They love working, but they are 65 or older and all their friends are doing it. The traditional concept of retirement is called a “cliff retirement” because it is so abrupt. One day you...
Nov 12, 2019 | News
From NPR Health Shots — Forty-two boxes of returned mail lined a wall of the El Paso County Department of Human Services office on a recent fall morning. There used to be three times as many. Every week, the U.S. Postal Service brings anywhere from four to 15 trays...
Nov 5, 2019 | News
From CNBC — Medicare beneficiaries would get dental, vision and hearing coverage if several bills now before Congress pass. In addition, the government would get authority to negotiate prices with drugmakers and create a cap for Medicare out-of-pocket spending on...
Oct 29, 2019 | News
From McKnight’s Long-Term Care News — The federal government and state survey agencies will likely place a heightened emphasis on high-priority complaints in nursing facilities and how soon they’re investigated based on newly released data from the Office of...
Oct 22, 2019 | News
From — Say this about the kinds of molecular mayhem that we know underlie aging: Mechanisms like whether the ends of chromosomes fray (bad) and whether genes’ on-off status breaks down (really bad) at least sound like plausible ways to impair vital...
Oct 15, 2019 | News
From Modern Healthcare — By MICHAEL BRADY The CMS on Monday announced that it would make it easier for consumers to find out about nursing homes that have violated rules about abuse, neglect or exploitation. The agency’s Nursing Home...